A 3-Day Web Conference on RAPE

Prime Unique Women Initiative presents A 3-Day Web Conference on RAPE

Theme: Demystifying the Tragedy of Rape: Choose to be a Victor

Date: 14th – 16th July, 2020.

Venue: Zoom

Time :10am -12pm

Participation Fee: FREE


•           Identify immediate and remote causes of rape and it’s sudden upsurge;

•           Address long-held misconceptions about rape that serve to blame rape victims;

•           Learn, unlearn, and re-learn practical steps to prevent rape;

•           Elucidate on the invaluable role of discretion in avoiding the tragedy of rape;

•           Expose the various avenues of help available to rape victims.


•           Erase long-held misconceptions about rape that serve to blame the victim and further perpetuate attitude that encourage the perpetrators;

•           Equip participants on practical steps to take when faced with the threat of rape;

•           Help participants to identify potential rapist and take informed decision;

•           Educate participants on the importance of resisting an attacker from the first moment;

•           Expose participants to available weapons that can be employed to resist attack;

•           Train participants on how best to seek help and cope with rape.


•           Secondary School girls of all ages

•           Undergraduate female students

•           Parents (especially women)

•           Ladies of all ages

•           Female teachers

•           School owners of girls’ school (especially women)

•           All who are sufficiently enraged with the brutal act of rape

Interested Participants should please fill the form using the link below.
